How To Save Money On Your Website

Part of what makes web development so expensive is maintenance and organization.


If you have to pay someone to put together all of your pictures, copy and web assets, then your web bill is going to go way up. Often what would take me hours and hours to do could easily be done by you and result in dramatic savings. Of course, I would love to be paid 20 to 40 hours for doing all this work but you already know what assets you have, you just need to get them organized.


Many web developers make their money on the come back. The initial setup and creation is reasonably inexpensive but everything is done in a completely unique way that only they know how to edit. This is just not how I do business. The key to a good website is making sure it is developed in a way that any one can edit. If you would like to save some money doing your own maintenance, I will take the time to show you exactly how everything is put together and what you need to do to make edits.